It's lovely to be a youth, don't you think?
Here's an entry on the Esplanade trail we went for last Friday. I love going to the Esplanade! It's such a wonderful place and I'm always especially happy when I get to attend performances there.
We were split into two groups so here are some pics of the group that I followed in the beginning.
First stop: Roof-top of the Esplanade.

The facilitator told us the spikes on the Esplanade are actually contr0lled by computers so they can deflect more light when it's hot. I couldn't believe it when Naveed told me that.
We headed to the
library@esplanade after that. Remember the letters that are made up of only rectangles? I thought the library was really awesome, and I'm quite sure all of us wanted to plaster our faces against the cake display when we walked past! At this station, we were supposed to decide how many people could fit into the bench.

I was really impressed when everyone walked quietly and whispered when they were in the library. Well done! :) By the way, can you think of a simile that describes how we walked in the library? Scroll down to the bottom to check if you've got the same simile as I!
All too soon, it was time for a break. Hungry stomachs cannot be ignored! We sat down on the ground and everyone took out their goodies.
Hope most of you enjoyed the trail... It was fun counting the number of faces on the couch!
Have a good rest before school starts again tomorrow.
p.s. Did you get as quiet as mice??